Friday, March 19, 2010

Yossi being cute

Yossi was being especially happy and cute, so I snapped a couple pictures

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Some highlights from the first 5 months

Here are some of my favorite pictures from Yossi's first 5 months. There are more, but this is a start:


His hair was amazingly red when he first came out.

Home (resting)

Being cute

These are hilarious:


All of the people at Thanksgiving were a little overwhelming

More cuteness

Getting ready for winter

Yossi's a really good sitter

Play date with Ada

Ended like most baby activities...

Yossie loves his swing

The Penny Sessions

Yossi's gone to JCPenny's a couple times now when they have real cheap pictures. The results are usually pretty funny

Bethany's pictures

Bethany's a friend of Laura's, and she's a really good photographer. She's shot Yossi a couple times now, and the pictures look amazing. I'm going to upload those as a seperate post when I get a chance, but here's one of my favorite:

First Chanukah

More random pics

Ok, Yossi's crying... gotta go.

Second tooth

Yossi was pretty upset the other day, so I took the opportunity to snap a shot inside his mouth. If you squint you can see his second tooth starting to break through right next to the first one.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Yossi's trying to scoot

I feel like I've been a little neglectful with sharing pictures and videos, so here's a video I just took. Yossi's almost able to scoot himself. He's got the strength now; just needs to coordinate the whole thing.